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Archives: Projects
Apprenticeship Program
We are farmer educators with the Organic Vegetable Farm Manager Apprenticeship. Apprentice positions are paid an involve on-farm and formal paid technical college education. Learn more here and apply through our job application.
Job Application
To apply to fill out the following application AND send us an email to let us know you have submitted it.
Add On to Your CSA Share
Use our online farmers market to order add-ons to your CSA share. Orders must be in by 8am Monday for delivery with your Wednesday CSA share. We update/add items by Friday 8am and a reminder will be sent with you CSA Box reminder. You can order add ons for any week even if you have an every other week share.
CSA Pick-Up Guide
Essential information on CSA pick-up times, locations, and logistics as well as information on what to do if you cannot pick up your CSA box, know you are going to be out of town during a pick-up, or want to order more of something.
Aspirus Pick-Up Guide
Information on how to pick up your CSA specifically for Aspirus Enrolled 'Farm to Table' Program Members. Note: Other resources other than this specific pick-up guide are the same as those for all CSA members.
CSA Calendar
Download our PDF calendar of all CSA events, public events, and CSA pick-up dates. The dates are clickable if you want to add events to your calendar individually. You can also download the full Google Calendar here!
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